Sunday, April 11, 2010


The project has gained support from Kenya Forest Services(K.F.S), Kenya Fisheries Service(K.F.S.), National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), Anglican Church Of Kenya(ACK Pwani),RECOMAP, Toyota Japan, Rotary Club Of Kenya and England, and lastly the group received technical training from Kwetu Training Centre under the Mariculture department.


The group is managing a 16-bee-hive apiary with an aim of good quality mangrove honey production. With a friendly environment, the bees help in pollinating the mangroves with a result of maximum propagule production during flowering terms.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Tourism as a vital part of Kenya s economy the group has designated an Eco-Tourism boardwalk through the mangrove vegetation not only for tourism purposes but also for mangrove and crab monitoring.


Following the destruction of mangroves within the region by the local people, the group is highly involved in rehabilitating the deforested areas through mangrove nurseries establishment and transplanting. Furthermore, it involves the local people to recognize the natural heritage and need to conserve for the future generations.


The group has also found it harmonious to develop a crab farming approach through floating cages and pen ponds aiming at improving the declining crab production along the creek.

ACTIVITIES:Fish/Prawn Farming

The group has managed to construct 8 fish/prawn ponds as a result of the declining fishery products along Mtwapa Creek that causes economic stress to the families of local artisan fishermen hence leading to poor livelihoods.